English worksheets > contributions by Kisdobos
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I am 30 years old. I have been a freelance English teacher in Budapest, Hungary for 10 years. I just started working in Xantus High School, Budapest. I am the co-creator of http://islcollective.com, another ESL sharing site where both practiced and beginner teachers can download community teaching resources free. I hope you will enjoy my worksheets! :)
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Who lives where? (Present continuous practice)
Download all my worksheets free at my website, http://iSLCollective.com, a worksheet-sharing site for ESL, DAF (German), ELE (Spanish) and FLE (French) language teachers .............. Due to the size limitations, I wasn�t able to upload the full ws here. You can download the complete worksheet with more extra practice from islcollective.com. The t...
Level: elementary
Age: 8-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 35
Role Play: Columbus Goes Fund Raising (Card 1/2)
Download all my worksheets free at my website, http://iSLCollective.com, a worksheet-sharing site for ESL, DAF (German), ELE (Spanish) and FLE (French) language teachers .............. This is one of the two role cards (Columbus� role card) in a historical role play. To be able to play the game, you need to download the other card too (the Spanish ...
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-17
Type: activity-card
Downloads: 33
Conditionals 2 .Quiz. (Would you rather ...?)
Download all my worksheets free at my website, http://iSLCollective.com, a worksheet-sharing site for ESL, DAF (German), ELE (Spanish) and FLE (French) language teachers .............. Here�s a quiz of surprising and thought-provoking questions starting with "Would you rather ...?" Bless up, Kisdobos :)
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 32
Role play: Columbus Goes Fund Raising (Card 2/2)
Download all my worksheets free at my website, http://iSLCollective.com, a worksheet-sharing site for ESL, DAF (German), ELE (Spanish) and FLE (French) language teachers .............. This is one of the two role cards (the Spanish Courts� role card) in a historical role play. To be able to play the game, you need to download the other card, too (C...
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-17
Type: activity-card
Downloads: 31
Black Cat Voodoo. Picture Description 4. Word formation (w solutions)
Download all my worksheets free at my website, http://iSLCollective.com, a worksheet-sharing site for ESL, DAF (German), ELE (Spanish) and FLE (French) language teachers .............. PICTURE DESCRIPTION. WORD FORMATION. (W SOLUTIONS) Here�s the fourth picture description I wrote. The picture depicts an unusual scene of a cat in the air. Nobody wo...
Level: intermediate
Age: 14-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 29
Who has the better job? - Comparisons
Download all my worksheets free at my website, http://iSLCollective.com, a worksheet-sharing site for ESL, DAF (German), ELE (Spanish) and FLE (French) language teachers .............. Here we are going to compare jobs, and decide which one is "better." Quite a subjective word, isn�t it? Well, yes, and that�s good because differing opinions can gen...
Level: intermediate
Age: 10-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 28
Grammar Casino: Causative
Download all my worksheets free at my website, http://iSLCollective.com, a worksheet-sharing site for ESL, DAF (German), ELE (Spanish) and FLE (French) language teachers .............. I made this ws to practice the causative. This is a classic game where students bet with play money on whether sentences are grammatical or not. Game is to multiply ...
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 27
Adverb Cards Set 1./4 (8 cards). Adverbs & Adj. with the same form, etc.
Download all my worksheets free at my website, http://iSLCollective.com, a worksheet-sharing site for ESL, DAF (German), ELE (Spanish) and FLE (French) language teachers .............. Here�s the first set of situation cards (8 cards) to practise some more special adverbs in a business context. The cards include: shortly (=soon), hardly, soon, late...
Level: intermediate
Age: 14-17
Type: flash-card
Downloads: 27
European Superman: Story telling
Download all my worksheets free at my website, http://iSLCollective.com, a worksheet-sharing site for ESL, DAF (German), ELE (Spanish) and FLE (French) language teachers .............. Your Ss have to make up a superhero who is fighting against villains in their own country. The title mentions a "European" superhero, but if you live in e.g. Asia, A...
Level: elementary
Age: 10-17
Type: activity-card
Downloads: 24
What happened to Bart? - Passive Pictionary
Download all my worksheets free at my website, http://iSLCollective.com, a worksheet-sharing site for ESL, DAF (German), ELE (Spanish) and FLE (French) language teachers .............. I asked Bart to help me with teaching again, this time with the passive structure. Make sure Ss understand the main logic behind the passive: it�s used to answer que...
Level: elementary
Age: 10-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 24