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A perfect English classroom

sea camel
A perfect English classroom
Dear colleagues
Let �s dream for a moment ...
Suppose your boss would ask you what your perfect English classroom should look like... What would you answer?
I �d surely say: PC and beamer, a shelf with Easy Readers, Eng-Eng dictionary,...
We �re discussing our perfect English language classroom in a meeting tomorrow and I really need your experience, ideas and tips! Or maybe you have some ideas about must-haves in an ordinary classroom? I �d welcome them too!
Warm regards
1 Feb 2010

Hello: Lately I �ve been dealing with class management and equipment: so, the basic function of a classroom is to let the students be confortable to learn a language. So, first of all we have to consider where does the light come from and so, choose the class management U shape, cafe style, pair- desks. Even If it �s a very modern class we need a blackboard, make sure you can divide It in three different parts that is you can let one to use with the overhead projector. Readings,of course and also, at least three grammar books with different levels. Games: Guess who?, Lingo Resources: a big world map, teddy bears to teach animals, a little supermarket, a confortable rug if we want to play out of the desk, plastic boxes to keep sudents work tidy..................and students of course!!!jejejeje Kind regards
1 Feb 2010

Hi seacamel,
I �d say it �s a well-lit classroom, with internet access, books to share and talk about afterwards ... there could be so many things that are useful ... !
But I think the most important ingredient to a perfect class is to have students who are eager and happy to learn!!
A hug
1 Feb 2010

Olindalima ( F )
Hi Kristien I had a dream ... but, I work very far away. LOL Lots of walls, I like to hang up all sorts of students � works, posters, related pictionary etc, etc. Lots of shelves and bookcases to have my students � library, my games, lots of mugs with pencils, colour pencils, scisors, tapes,rulers etc, etc, etc. A chalk board / white board to write and a computer with a projector, for the teacher �s work and wireless. Two or three computers so that students could use them for their group works and other tasks, so that they could be doing different works, all at a time Comfortable tables and chairs. Light is very important. I have to work with the curtains drawn and it makes a very dull and lonely atmosphere. Tell me this is not a dream - I have the most expensive, I have a computer and projector, but I don �t have room enough to put all these things and, besides, I keep changing class every hour.
I hope one day my dream comes true. linda
1 Feb 2010

I dream of an "english" classroom :) we share classrooms with all the other teachers. we haven �t got an "english" class. we have classrooms in which all subjects are taught. |
1 Feb 2010

Hi, my dream classroom would be fully equiped with computers, interactive white board... and obviously fewer pupils in each class: 10 at the most, while I have around 25 pupils at the moment in my various classes... Elodie
1 Feb 2010

well , I think our requirements and wishes nearly the same as language teachers all around the world .
" Interactive white board would be a good beginning for my classroom.
Then latest technology laptops for all the students. ( Of course ; all the students would have the capability of using a computer ).
Well designed and organised speakers .
wireless internet access .
after overcoming all of these little problems :) it �s time to get the ideal students : If I start talking about what my students are lack of , this subject will never ends :)
1 Feb 2010

dreams,dreams, dreams...
I �d like to have an assistant help me with slower students ... and fewer pupils ...

1 Feb 2010

sea camel
It �s so great to hear about your dreams! They are so beautiful and hopefully one day they will come true.
Thanks Vernica for your useful tips! They �ve already helped me a lot! It �s great to meet you here. You don �t get to see many Belgians around here. This is a warm and wonderful site. It has already taught me many new things.
Aliciapc, it �s true that eager students are a blessing. Every day I look for activities to motivate them. And most of the time they enjoy them. It �s as a member (dear Ivona...) once said: �You have to trick them into learning �. Although, it �s really hard sometimes...
Yes, Linda and Sassouki, I know the feeling... I keep changing classes every hour too. My wish is to have everything in every class. Having an English language class means I have to share the room and probably I �ll be able to use no more than three hours a week... I teach ten classes...
Elodie, my largest class has 20 pupils and my smallest 12. This year I �m lucky but things will be different next year (They have already told us.). 25 pupils to teach is a lot, indeed. Especially when teaching skills...
Conquerormko, well, I think you are right,... I suppose we all need the same things... I �m happy to hear your students aren �t perfect. Mine aren �t too... I guess that �s why they need us (Although, they wouldn �t agree on this, I think.  ).
Well, guys, thanks for your �dreams �, ideas and tips! They have been really useful.
I have to hit the sack now!
Have a great day tomorrow!
Kristien |
1 Feb 2010

sea camel
Oh Bare... An assistant!!! I could live with that too!!! Such a great idea! I �ll definitely mention that at the meeting tomorrow! LOL!!!!
Enjoy tomorrow!
Kristien |
1 Feb 2010

manonski (f)
Kristien, don �t want to annoy you but..... I have an assistant.
And she really makes a difference in my teacher life. |
1 Feb 2010
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