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esl resources
marie i am not in any way saying that you should go, i respect you for trying to defend something you believe in, that is within everyone �s rights. what i am trying to convey is that we all accept the rules once we hit enter when we signed in. victor even made us went through the whole rules accepting process again, ( dont know if you remember that) when he posted the new rules on february. So to make it short the rules are so clear right now that the moderators page is in peace, we rarely see any disagreement like there were before the new rules. If a member does something outside the rules the moderators will vote accordingly and if they are wrong the issue can be taken to the owner of the site who will ultimetly acts under his discretion. What i do think with all due respect is that this is an issue that should be treated with victor and in private by the affected party which in this case is victoria. I do think that if you find that the member who reported the ws did it out of some doble intension, then you should make victor aware of that. What i dont like is that in your first post you talked about victoria of being a valuable member ( and i am not questioning this, she is) like if because some people here are valuable others are not and those who are, need to be treated differently. This issue about valuable members have been mentioned before and i feel uncomfortable when i see posts like that because for me everyone here is valuable because we all teach different students and just because i dont teach little children it doesnt mean that members who post ws addressing those kids are less valuable to those whose ws i use and download. (if you get what i mean) Again i am not saying that you dont have the right to write your point of view, but that you should do it through the owner. |
29 Mar 2010
Perhaps we just need to officially establish that picture dictionaries are esl resources and then this whole debate can be closed!
30 Mar 2010
Olindalima ( F )
Let �s us say that I have had a very hard day... I �ve just arrived and seen all this trouble around.
I do respect Victoria �s woprk, obviously as many many others members � work - that �s why we all have a great site.
I do respect, and also decided to agree, Victor �s rules for his site.
I do also respect web designers � work.
If we don �t accept here, in ESL, that someone may upload a new printable, with a frame that was used by someone of us, we don �t accept here that someone copies the layout of someone, because we do know that this is the work made by one of us ... and we respect it and want everyone to respect it. How can we accept that any one of us may use someone else �s design ? It is their job, it �s their way of living, they publish it to make a living to get money - it �s their work. I can �t go to the baker �s and just say: " Wow so many breads, I �ll take a just a few, just one or two. " We can �t go to books or net and find a lovely picture and just use it. We all know that.
I am on the side of those who defend copyright....
Hello, Marie Therese, how I understand you!!!!
We, teachers, have always been asked and charged of everything and we need to make pretty, lovely printables with pictures we can �t draw or paint and SCHOOLS AND GOVERNMENTS DON �T PAY FOR.
That is our problem - we are trying to solve problems that are not ours.
Just dreaming, but a great site as this one, who knows, may be we could start a battle to defend our special need for our special work. Teachers have to work with others work, to teach. Imagine how could we read Shakespeare in our classes, if we couldn �t type part of a book and prepare our examination or our lesson.
Copyright is tricky, but I want to respect it the same way i want people to respect my work.
I think this is a good topic, if everyone here can state his/her own opinion in a clear and soft way, so that no one gets hurt.
@ Victoria
I didn �t vote, just because I wasn �t here, but, with all my respect for your great job, I would have voted to remove, because, my opionion, if we make rules, they are to be respected, otherwise we have anarchy.
Kisses to all of you who have participated in this thread. Discussing is a good signal of intelligence.
Cheers to ESL linda
30 Mar 2010
Mariethe House
Thank you all for taking part in this discussion. Anything is better than this:
30 Mar 2010
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