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Teaching material > Time to say goodbye.
Time to say goodbye.

Hi Chris, I was going to answer your PM to me, but giovanni has already done that, he �s absolutely right. |
12 Apr 2010

I don �t know what you expected ... but you got more than 1800 downloads in only one month ... Come on! How can you say we despise your work??!!
12 Apr 2010

Dear Christian:
Up to the present moment, 1816 classes (at least) used / are using your work.
Isn �t that rewarding?
Have a nice week.
12 Apr 2010

Hi Chris. Why Good bye??I think your contributions are great and even if only one person downloads your work be sure that a lot of pupils will benefit from it. If something has annoyed you, don �t pay too much attention to it. Sometimes it �s up and sometimes it �s down. Just look at the positive side and forget about the negatives. So, forget about the whole thing and just continue to be creative and helpful as usual.Have a nice day. |
12 Apr 2010

I agree with all the members. We like your ws with or without pic. You Don �t leave the site. |
12 Apr 2010

Sometimes your wss are not dowloaded `cause some may not find them useful at that moment, I still remember your first contributiosn with few downloads...
And as Giovanni wisely said: let �s create stuff for our students and then share our work here
I like your work, good luck
12 Apr 2010

I agree with what �s been said. After all Chris we create for our students and then and only then put things that work on the site. I know how you feel, sometimes when I upload a worksheet that has really gone down well in class and for years, few people download it and vise versa. We don �t have the same ideas, that �s all. It �s the same with course books, some I love and use a lot aren �t necessarily my colleagues � favourites. You were probably expecting too much. |
12 Apr 2010

You know, Chris, people might not download your work because some of the ws are too colorful. They won �t copy well and that is why I haven �t downloaded them. Also, people may look for ws when they need them, but that has already been said. You have enough points to sit back and relax and download just in time as well.
Just like you, I have had some strange things happen to me....some attitudes make me shake my head. But I do think that people here are no different than in the real world, maybe they are even more real, because they feel safe and "covered" in some respects. So, I try to look at it as some sort of anthropological research as well ;o)
And, I also have the impression that some people download ws because they are interested in the pictures used ... recycling, ya know.
The good things outweigh, they really do, there are extremely nice and motivated people here, who will support you when you need it. Just look at the new birthday section. Even rather unknown people receive lots of posts, most of them by really accomplished members.
Take it easy. Regina
12 Apr 2010
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