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Time to say goodbye.

class centre
Dear Chris, it looks like a coquette advertising of your printables. If you think you are making great things, why do you need someone �s high evaluation? Don �t you know your printables are fine for yourself? Excuse me, but it looks childish, I would be ashamed to attract someone �s attention this way... Have a nice day
12 Apr 2010

People have VERY different tastes. Worksheets are also a matter of taste.
Mine aren �t appreciated by thousands of people, either, and sometimes I �m disappointed because there is so much serious effort and substance in them and the more content they have the less downloads they get (beacuse I don �t use colours and pictures either)
So I tell myself that what I produce is not mainstream and that mainstream taste is different. So what?
I �m not mainstream in other respects either - I don �t even want to me mainstream!!! Never have!!! - and so long as some people seem to like what I upload and so long as I find members who produce a similar sort of ws for me to downoad and use - that �s ok with me.
Who wants to be "everybody �s darling"? I �m quite content being "a few persons � appreciated colleague", let the others be darlings...
12 Apr 2010
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