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Word of the Day

Word of the Day
Hi Everyone
It �s that time again! Today �s word is:
Again - please remember that intelligent and not-so intelligent guesses are welcome, extra points for wit, but please don �t post dictionary definitions or look up the answer on the internet or in a dictionary and then post it here. The idea is that it is a guessing game to make it fun for everyone!
Have fun!
24 Aug 2010

Well, right off the top, it sounds like something embarrassing and/or rude--maybe a personal problem.
Hmmm, let �s see, a flag most commonly refers to a cloth banner, but it can also be something that sticks out. And the -ous or -ious suffix usually means it �s an adjective. Beauteous--full of beauty or very beautiful. Mysterious - full of mystery. Gluteus - full of...oops, disregard that one! 
OK, so it �s something that �s full of, maybe it has lots of sticky-outy parts or catches your attention somehow. Hah--now I �m going to go look it up!
Thanks for the fun. Can �t wait to see what others come up with.
24 Aug 2010

flagitious- adj from the noun Flag --- smth that waves Ex. Can you see that flagitious banner that is about to fall? 
OMG- It �s hard for me to pronounce this word!!!! |
24 Aug 2010

Mariethe House
Makes me think of "flagellate"..... Like Christ being flagellated on the cross.
I �d rather be "facetious" than"flagitious �!
24 Aug 2010

It sounds like someone who hoists the flag for all occasions!
24 Aug 2010

It �s a portmanteau word to describe the unique talent of people who go on reality shows (from �flagrantly ambitious �). |
24 Aug 2010

flagulate- to "pass gas" (as in gastrointestinal)
Flagilitious--to have gas?
edit: hmmm, I�ve been pronouncing that wrong for years... |
24 Aug 2010

git => a foolish or contemptuous person but a fla-git.... maybe such a person with a flat head...
or a flag-it... being proud of waving the flag all the time?

24 Aug 2010

flagitious - definitely a flag lover, somebody who has an unnatural love of flags...
i.e. "Harry was so flagitious. He even painted the windows on his house to look like the flags from sunny Barbados and Bermuda."
24 Aug 2010

Actually know this word the clue is within the cartoon.
Shame some don �t have this!!! have a good day people
Redbull gives you wings you know. |
24 Aug 2010

I agree with Douglas, it �s definitely an adjective to describe somebody who has lots of gas
(to flagulate)
"I �ve eaten broccoli for dinner and I feel a bit flagitious, oops!"  |
24 Aug 2010
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