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Word of the Day
Word of the Day
Good Morning and Happy Sunday to All!
Today �s word is:Fuscoferuginous
as always all guesses are welcome but please no dicitonary definitions.
Have fun |
12 Sep 2010
Olindalima ( F )
That �s easy! Fusco is a very popular name people use for pet dogs or cats. Feruginous is what happens to iron after a few years, it starts getting rust So, I think you are referring to one of our members, a Lovely Portuguese teacher, who has been a little absent, in these last months, for private reasons
Her name is Gata Ferrugem ( Gata is - cat )
You can check, there she is. Linda
12 Sep 2010
Hello ;)
I haven �t been here in a while and what a lovely surprise to read such an interesting post on this sunday morning.
Nice guess Linda and Cleaver word Frank.
With all my thoughts,
Babs |
12 Sep 2010
"fusco" from the Greek word "fusca" which means "bubble" "fer" again Greek root which means "to bring" and "to carry" "ginous" Greek root relates to "woman"
fusco+fer+u+ginous= a woman that brings you bubbles
(just kidding!) |
12 Sep 2010
Fusco reminds me of the Italian word "Fosco" that means dark Feruginous looks like "Farraginoso", something confused and difficult.
My guess: something horribly confused and difficult |
12 Sep 2010
Fus- as in making a fuss about co- means "with" -fer- like in Latin "ferum", iron and the rest says it is an adjective...
That means, making a fuss about something made of iron... a piercing, perhaps?
So it means parents getting angrgy about their children getting a piercing!!!
12 Sep 2010
"feruginous" = making it look like iron (ferrum = iron), but the "fusco"? Sounds darkish, negativeish....tainted, oxidized, old, broken?
A quality of a chemical that you drop a new sword into to make it look antique, so you can auction it off at Christie �s and buy a yacht in return?
12 Sep 2010
Fusco feru what? Frank your words are longer and longer! Even wondering if you �re not making up some of them? Let me guess that �s a Polish word?
12 Sep 2010
something to do with " iron" because we have got in French ferugineux
but fusco ??? would it be a place where you find "iron" in the soil ??? |
12 Sep 2010
Fuscoferuginous - What a fantastic word!
Well there �s some iron there -But as for the rest I give up!
I �ve looked now. It is a good word - I might even use it one day. |
12 Sep 2010
I don �t know what is is but it for sure will allow me to finally hang all the kids at �hangman �!!
Just building upon what others have offered....
* �having a dark, rusty color �?
or since I don �t have a clue anyway, make up my own...
fust - a barrel of pressurized beer in Dutch
cofer - heretic in Hebrew
uginous - adjective
* must be someone who declines a beer on a hot sweaty day....
fust - I stay with the beer
cofer - with slightly different emphasis - ransom money in Hebrew
uginous - the adjective
* ransom paid for or in beer
edit: I checked only after posting (much more fun that way) and I think its hilarious, I had no idea!
see how much one can learn if everyone puts in his 5 cents! |
12 Sep 2010
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