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Word of the Day

Ditku, It �s perfectly fine, it �s turning out quite funny as it is |
19 Sep 2010

Is it a synonym for memory loss?????
19 Sep 2010

floccinaucinihilipilification is a synonym for �d�j� vu �!!!
19 Sep 2010

floccinaucinihilipilification - means a word I would never want to encounter in one of my classses. |
19 Sep 2010

Catalina Sorina
floccinaucinihilipilification - well, I think it �s a drug, a kind of injection you get, so you will remember everything you have done (posts with words of the day included)
Or not? 
Maybe it will make you ask your neighbour what �s the name of that beautiful red flower with thorns, because you don �t remember the name of your wife anymore... "Oh,yes, rose... Rose, where are you, darling?" 
19 Sep 2010

OK, I never saw the previous posting of this word, I would surely remember having seen it before, even though I am not sure I would be able to say it! The only thing I recognize in it would be nihilification - the trifling, or �making into nothing �
other words I might find in it are cinical or cinema? That leaves �floccinau � ???? that might be the name of a French scriptwriter.....?
so that gets me to writing a devastating review of Floccinau �s work, the kind that really tears it to shreds.... |
19 Sep 2010

Ouch! You mercyless lot
ribbing me incessantly about forgetting 
now... where was i? Oh yeah! I was away when Lindsey posted it 
other wise I have a very good Hmmm, mmm, What �s that thing called again?
Oh Yeah! Memory, I have a very good memory.... Where was I again?... Hmmm...
I �m a little floccinaucinihilipilificated today that �s all |
19 Sep 2010

David Lisgo
It is the breakdown of languages through the nihilistic actions of certain members of ESLP. |
19 Sep 2010

Floccin (drug/medicine) +Aucini (the name of the inventor) + hill (the place where Aucini had the idea of the drug- as Newton with the apple and the tree!!!!) + pilification (suffix that means the action of that drug which was invented by Aucini when standing on a certain hill) .
floccinaucinihilipilification= the action of what i �ve just explained above.

Ok! I �m D, and I approve this message!!!! 
PS: Frank, are there any winners in this contest? I don�t know....the funniest explanation , the wisest example, the most non-realistic answer...or something?
19 Sep 2010

Lina Ladybird
Dona, I personally think it �s not such a good idea to make a competition out of this funny game, because - of course - native speakers certainly have a big advantage over us other teachers... I �m pretty sure that this fact puts some members off joining in the fun!
19 Sep 2010
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