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Word of the Day

the question of winners has come up before, and at one point I was composing poems and sending them to the funniest answers, but after a brief discussion we came to the conclusion that the non-native speakers were at a disadvantage and it wouldn �t be fair to turn this into a contest. But I am always open to suggestions or ideas, or words even. One proposal was to turn it into a rolling post whereby the funniest answer of the day gets to post next day �s word. That is also do-able provinding people are up for it...
what do you think? |
19 Sep 2010

Lina Ladybird
One proposal was to turn it into a rolling post whereby the funniest answer of the day gets to post next day �s word. That is also do-able provinding people are up for it...
what do you think?
IMHO, that �s a really good idea!!
Moreover, it means that not one single person has to do the thread moderating all the time!
19 Sep 2010

Oh my! I missed some things out there!!! Sorry guys!!! Let �s forget about that contest. You �re right!!!! Making it a contest will create other arguments between us!!!
Anyway...I just enjoy reading all the definitions!! As Sylvie said some days before.....I think I �ll keep in mind only the funny definitions,but the correct ones!!!! 
19 Sep 2010

Hey Frank - does this jog your memory ...
Hello everybody!
Ooh! Ooh! can I play?
I like this game... Hmmm. Let �s see...
It �s obviously some kind of code... If i just add this letter here, take away this one
Ahhh! that �s better
Yep, that sounds about right...  | |
Jayho |
20 Sep 2010
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