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I need help
What is this symbol called ??
I want clipart of it
Where can I found it??
Please provide me if you have clipart of this symbol
Thanks a lot in advance:) |
30 Oct 2010
I think the symbol is called thumbs up,
you can find the clipart in the net, just look it up in google.
Hope my answer was helpful.
Ikram |
30 Oct 2010
Great Helps
Thanks a lot. |
30 Oct 2010
It �s a "thumbs up" sign (although there �s usually only one thumb involved, I �ve never heard it referred to in the singular). As far as I know, it can be interpreted in so many different ways depending on where in the world you are. Where I come from, it tends to be quite positive. What �s its significance in Saudi Arabia? |
30 Oct 2010
In the US it �s a positive sign. It �s usually used to indicate approval and/or encouragement, such as: "Well done!" "Hey, nice work--keep it up!" "Way to go!"
It �s sometimes used as a gesture of liking/disliking something. In response to a question like "How was the movie?" (or the restaurant, food, party, etc.) a thumbs up indicates you liked it, would recommend it, etc. and the same gesture with the thumb pointing down indicates you didn �t like it, it �s not worth your friend �s time or money to do, and so on.
But I, too, am curious as to its meaning in other cultures.
30 Oct 2010
Thanks, Dora!
Apparently in some countries it �s "an obscene gesture", so I just have to use my imagination to figure out what that means ...or maybe not. I �ll just try to remember not to use it if I ever go to those countries, I guess.
30 Oct 2010
Also a useful gesture for hitchhiking a.k.a. thumbing a ride;D
31 Oct 2010
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