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new similar website?
new similar website?
Hi everyone! I have just found out about the new website and I wanted to precise whether it �s the branch of this site or just some copy website made by another people? Because that �s kind of a bummer to have both... I prefer to have one but complete rather than wasting my time in registration and other related stuff.
Big thank you to the creators of, it �s a wonderful source of info! :)
3 Apr 2011
Islcollective is quite new, so elsprintables has larger number of contributors and much wider range of worksheets.
Islcollective on the other hand has different rules -it is not so strict (considering pictures etc...) and you can find/contribute large 2MB docx and 25MB pptx there. Downloading is free there and there are no download limits. Some ESLp members contribute there, but you will also find worksheets different from ESLp there...
Islcollective has more detailed levels - beginner, elementary, pre-int, int, upper-int, advanced, proficient (for example, you can find 500 pre-intermediate worksheets there)
3 Apr 2011
It �s another different page. They do not give you points and you can upload as many sheets you want in the day. Also, I do not know if you saw, but the site has worksheets for Spanish and German too. If you do not like this does not mean that other teachers do not like. Moreover, behind this page there are some people who dedicate their time to benefit us. You should change your message and tell the other teachers that you find a site, also interesting as this, so as we all do when we find something interesting on the Internet.
Thank you!
3 Apr 2011
Yep, ionelia is right, there is also a German page and this week they �re launching the Spanish page. I invite all the Spanish teachers to contribute and share there in the same way we do here. You can join the Spanish, English or German page with the same profile and it works perfectly. Have a nice Sunday!
3 Apr 2011
| is one of the best sites on the net and you have no right to call it neither incomplete, nor a bummer. The creators and contributors of the site work hard to make our lessons and work easier and no one makes you waste your time and register there.
3 Apr 2011
It �s easy to criticize, but we have to remember that just very few people are able to run an ESL site with thousands of members. ISL Collective is very new comparing to ESL p. and it �s very organized with great features. A site is also built by its members and there are many ESL p. members there and we are - for sure - creating a great site there, not one ESL p. copy but a different site with a diverse identity. There �s no way to compare the sites since they have contributor from ESL p. but also contributors that aren �t registered here. I �d risk to say they are complementary. Is there a place on the (vast) virtual world for both mes-english and ESL printables? There �s a place for ISL Collective as well, we aren �t "taking" anything from ESL p. contributing there. On the other hand, we see several wss from ISL Collective uploaded here as "the member �s creation". Of course the contrary is (unfortunately) also true and we are also vigilant there. The more resources we have, the more we �ll get benefit from them. ISL Collective is also a great site with resources for English, German and Spanish teachers but no one is obliged to register there. The ones who want will be very welcomed.
3 Apr 2011
Do you know if we can upload material translated into Spanish, for example a grammar and vocabulary guide which is translated into Spanish for Spanish students. I have read the rules and it �s not clear. I have a lot of materials I can �t upload here because they are translated into Spanish and they could be so useful for so many people.
Yolanda |
3 Apr 2011
You know what? I saw the other site. It�s vey good too, but what makes eslprintables different is just the challenge we learn to have trying to create and improving! The other one u can download for free, this one u can�t unless u contribute. That�s what i found really interesting!! And besides, u really improve more when u have this challenge. And let�s congratulate the teachers there too!! Well, I have to thank u all because I�ve learned a lot here!! Hugs !! Kinho:) |
3 Apr 2011
Thanks for the kind words from a lot of you. Yes, I would say that iSLCollective and Eslprintables are complementary, because of the different rules they attract a little bit different membership, and the two sites are used in different ways. In the field of ESL, there are thousands of websites literally, and I think variety is a good thing. Even the Romans used to say: "Varietas delectat" (Variety is beautiful). Anyone can decide which of these ESL communities to interact with and invest energy into. iSLCollective has a broader interest, also, since we keep opening the platform in other languages, so we �re not exclusively focused on ESL. The German site has been open for a year, the Spanish site launched this week, and soon we �re opening the platform for French and Russian teachers. By the way, we are in need of a second French admin, who could also help translate some things into French. So if anyone �s interested to help out and become involved in this project, pls let me know ([email protected]). Bless up, Peter PS Dear Yolandaprieto, you can upload such materials, too. |
3 Apr 2011
All the languages I need to practice ;o)
Actually, I think mashikasan was trying to defend ESLprintables, it may not have come across like it
Reread her message "....I wanted to precise whether it �s the branch of this site or just some copy website made by another people?..." and you will understand.
Mashikasan, learning from one another is not a bad thing, the best thing in life that can happen to you is being able to learn from others what works and what doesn �t. ;o)
3 Apr 2011
Hi again! I think kinho raised an interesting point: she said that the points system here makes us improve our work. Some days ago we read a thread on the forum complaining that the points make us feel greedy and that some have an insatiable hunger for points. At ESL Collective there �s a crowded "best" worksheet every day, and if people want to compete it �ll be a good reason to improve their work. I disagree on this point because from my own experience I learned that what makes us improve our work and techniques are the examples and ideas we get from our colleagues and the wss we download and not the points we get from our work. Both sites have different systems so they will fit different purposes or needs. BTW, will we ever have a Portuguese section? |
3 Apr 2011
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