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Thank you Bruce for choosing me as the winner of the WOD. I think more of our colleagues would have participated had they known about the 72" flat screen TV. Anyway... The new WOD is STEATOPYGIC. Remember, no dictionary definitions. Be as creative with your daffynition as possible... nothing is too absurd. Andmost of all HAVE FUN!!!! |
13 Jul 2011
Hi Mariethe. I �m sure you �re not alone. The game has been on the decline. For a while there was none then it was revived and now it seems to be on its last legs once again. I still enjoy it but less and less people are participating, therefore I declare you the winner of today �s WOD. Only kidding. Let �s see how it goes and maybe we �ll put it out of its misery. |
13 Jul 2011
Hello Ed,
I �ll be the first one to say my own funny definition..
Here is my DafYniTion:)haha!
S is for me: Suha T-E-A- is for my tea which is G : green T-O-P: TOP I-C: Iced
All that comes in ..." Suha �s top iced- green tea!!"
Have a nice day!
13 Jul 2011
Here �s my vote to keep WOD alive! I think the "problem" could be: 1) the time differences. sometimes some may be wide awake and starting a new day, and others may be sound asleep! 2) Work. Many times there �s a specific time, when our work load doubles or triples! 3) Sometimes we choose a word that is not interesting enough for others. We are all different, have different tastes, humor, moods, etc. Personally, I �d rather see WOD and its few participations (I learn alot even from those!) than all the fighting we sometimes see here! I like these games (WOD & CAPTION) because it brings out all the imagination each of us have. I also bring these games to my classroom once in a while, and you �d be surprised at some of the students � responses! Well, having said that... here �s my shot at WOD: STEATOPYGIC The "strategy" of developing an effective way to bring the first rock to the top of the hill to build tables where you can eat and have a splendid panoramic view! |
14 Jul 2011
Mariethe House
I see your point of view Mar, although there �s still fighting and bickering in spite of WOD
I loved this :
and was thinking of something like that , which got many answers and was so funny!
We all know what ED is capable of and we could count on his creative mind to start a topic from which we could all benefit , learn and to which we could react . I once strongly defended wod but the fact that there are fewer answers now shows that people are loosing interest and maybe it is time for a change! Only suggesting!
14 Jul 2011
Dearest Marieth� all suggestions, opinions, etc. are WELCOME! And I also understand your point of view! Believe me! It �s just that one day a WOD will get 2 responses, maybe even one, maybe none! and the next day, it can get 30! I �ve seen it! But I �ll second whatever the majority decides on! So, I �ll be open and welcoming whatever comes next! ;) |
14 Jul 2011
I have to say I think both the time difference and the workload sometimes can be blamed for the decline of the WOD, but I like it soooo much! I mean, if nothing else, you get to learn new things every day! However, a new kind of game would be welcome as well! Anyway, this is my daffynition for today: STEATOPYGIC is an adjective describing a person who eats in a messy way. It �s short for the phrase "STop EATing like a PYG(pig)" with the suffix -ic to make it an adjective. e.g. My little brother was so steatopygic during the Sunday BBQ that my mother had to tell him off! |
14 Jul 2011
By the way, Marieth�, I had actually missed this talk on the forum, thanks for bringing it up funny! Ed, you rock! |
14 Jul 2011
Wow - as soon as I saw this word I thought to myself "I actually know what this word means". Before WOD I would not have had a clue - so thank you Frank for introducing this game 11 months ago because I know it has increased my vocabulary as well as provided a lot of entertainment along the way.
This word was Frank�s second entry for WOD and the entries were hilarious, just as they are today.
14 Jul 2011
Steatopygic = having the ability to eat pies, especially apple, with great speed and agility.
The steatopygic man won the pie eating contest with ease! |
14 Jul 2011
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