Let �s stop this absurd discussion for God Sake.... Arguing because of some drawings, cliparts or whatever you call it!
I can �t pay for any images, all i use are from the web: search images on google. Besides do not have time to report who owns what!!!
As a moderator i have only reported non english worksheets/powerpoints.
I am not sure if you guys have realised but the number of contributions have decreased dramatically recently in this website, as there have been many ws wrongly reported.
This is a great site. We used to have Caption contest as well as Word definition contest.... Why has that stopped? Can anyone enlight me please?! It was a funny moment for one to get rid of stress....
People! we are not here to compete, we are here to help each other. SO PLEASE just report somehting if you are really sure it doesn not follow Vctor �s rules!
Rest my case!
Good night to you all!