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about points and stolen printables
about points and stolen printables
Hi everybody!
Check the link, you will see another stolen contribution. Mine, this time. I am not posting this message because I am mad about being stolen a worksheet (though it makes me sad to see this happening). What I do not understand is how this member was capable of uploading my printable since he/she has NO POINTS. Eslprintables is the only place I have posted my English contributions for a very long time, so how did he/she get it?
I know that many of us (so including myself) receive requests from new members who really need certain worksheets, but have few or no points to download them. I have always answered to this kind of requests, but I have only sent MY OWN PRINTABLES. It seems to me that there are people here who do not follow this rule and send other�s contributions, too. It is their problem if they do so. But, let me ask you something: don�t you think that, in a certain way, you allow some people to become thieves?
Domnitza |
13 Jan 2009
perhaps this member has another account and he is uploading ws he had downloaded with that user name.
Andrea |
13 Jan 2009
Maybe this member�s account had been cancelled earlier for similar reasons and now he/she opened a new account under a different user name.
13 Jan 2009
Hello Dominitza,
I agree with you, I think these people are thieves and they don�t respect other peers work!! Creating great worksheets is not really easy, you have to create a lesson plan, look for nice pictures, design the worksheet... I mean, it takes hours!!! ESL Printables spirit is to make easier our busy lives as teachers and share our works, give and take, not just take. Our worksheets are not copyrighted, ok, but this doesn�t give anyone the right to steal other people works. How can we stop this foolish situation??? Do you have any idea?
13 Jan 2009
GD MORNING my dear Domnitza! GD MORNING to you all!
I believe there are some people who register in the site just to have fun and annoy us. They have several accounts, they register one day with a name and a flag, upload somebody�s else�s work, usually a popular worksheet that can be easily identified, are "caught", their points are withdrawn and they log out and create another account - a sad vicious cycle! What a strange concept of having fun!
Occasionally, I�ve sent (3 or 4 times in 3 months, no more) my own work to other members by e-mail. However, I don�t think we should send other contributors� work. We have downloaded the worksheets, they are in our possession, but that�s it! They are not ours, we didn�t create them, so whoever wants them must ask to the author.
I must leave for school!
A very nice day to you all!
mena |
13 Jan 2009
Sorry to hear about that AGAIN.... It�s a pity these things happen over and over again.
If anybody thinks of a solution, please let everbody knows.....meanwhile, just try to calm down and post it for other members to know before downloading it.
Have a wonderful day from freezing northwest of Spain
Chorima |
13 Jan 2009
Hello my fellow teachers, I agree with all you�ve said. Like Domnitza I always send only my own worksheets to members who really need them. And I cannot understand how people can be so dishonest. I love this site and it helps me so much in making my lessons more enjoyable and seeing people who have zero respect for the work other teachers do makes me sad and angry at the same time.
13 Jan 2009
Unfortunately there is a tiny group of people here who never cease to amaze me with their stupidity. Thank goodness they are the minority.
13 Jan 2009
Dear Donmitza,
There may be another alternative. Maybe that new member has borrowed the file of that worksheet from a colleage teacher. Read what Victor says:
If you have a worksheet that you didn�t make yourself (borrowed from a colleage teacher, for example) DON�T SEND IT
This is another aspect that has already been posted on this forum but not throughfully discussed. I mean, Should be share the contributions we get because we are members of this site with our colleage teachers who are not? All of us know the rules and Know what being a premium member with the right of downloading imply.
What I mean is that to get worksheets, you need to upload yours, after a very hard work and also you have to log in and spend some time downloading the recent contributions, etc, etc, etc. |
13 Jan 2009
Dear domnitza
I�m sorry to hear someone stole your ws. There are so many wonderful people on this site and it�s frustrating to see that the few "rotten apples" cause so much trouble. It really breaks my heart to see some people who just want to take advantage of others. The best thing we can do about it is to preserve the good spirit of the community. beware of this people and keep on reporting them.
Hugs Tisha
13 Jan 2009
I have only sent my worsheets by email once to one person who had downloaded it and could not print it with colours but then I though about some months ago, when I uploaded several worksheets and the other day, when I decided to enter again I found that 2 out of 3 had been stolen by other people. So, I think that I shouldn�t send those worksheets by emila in word. I think that nex time I decide to send someone a worksheet it will convert it first to PDF so that It cannot be converted into a word file. That�s a good solution. If you create a READ-ONLY PDF nobody can copy them in word. Well, there are two ways of copying them but only as photographs.
Hope it is useful to you.
13 Jan 2009
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