nasreddine Sarsar
Riddle of the Day (ROD) Contest!
Be the quickest riddle answer finder to ask your own riddle. The winner will be declared tomorrow. Good luck to all of you. �The more you remove from me, the bigger I get �. What do you think I am???? |
17 Jun 2014
A hole - the more you remove from it, the bigger it gets. |
17 Jun 2014
nasreddine Sarsar
That �s a clever answer based on common sense, but I won �t declare you a winner until tomorrow to see what others can come up with! Thanks for taking part in the ROD!
17 Jun 2014
nasreddine Sarsar
We have two reasonable answers: hole and shadow! Let �s wait and see! |
17 Jun 2014
A bank overdraft gets bigger when you take funds away. |
17 Jun 2014
The space on your hard disc drive gets bigger the more files you remove or delete. |
17 Jun 2014
nasreddine Sarsar
@manuhk! You �re so creative indeed! However, I would like you to stick to one answer! |
17 Jun 2014
You should have said when you posted the riddle, that we �re only supposed to submit one answer. |
17 Jun 2014