**I explained in ENglish what the Spanish mean by saying THAT, I �m sure there are English equivalents but I can �t remember!**
"Don �t drink me the hair"
(No me tomes el pelo)
= Don �t pull my leg
** which would be equally funny translated into Spanish
-No me tires la pierna- jejje **
�A little police to the air
(Una canita al aire)
= to have an affair
�The great seven�
(La gran siete)
= exclamation of surprise ( �Holy cow! �)
**again, hillarious the othe way around "Vaca sagrada!" jejej***
�Little potato for parrot�
(papita pa�l loro!)
= Something very easy ("Piece of cake")
�Tomato the boat�
(Tomate el buque!)
= "get lost!"
�I sang him the forties�
(Le cant� las cuarenta)
= I told him what I think.
�You �re missing two players�
(Te faltan dos jugadores)
= you �re not thinking clearly.
�Don�t you do the little fly dead�
(No te hagas la mosquita muerta)
= don �t play the victim
�I take her out of the little houses�
(La saco de las casillas)
= I drive her crazy