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Games, activities and teaching ideas > WOD contest 09/06/20
WOD contest 09/06/20
WOD contest 09/06/20
Well, here I am, suffering with my new laptop...I wished I�d never give away the old one, as it was much quicker than this one, and this one it�s supposed to be better :( Anyway, let�s get to the point. The new word of the contest is... : Snickersnee I have been missing all year long, I have to say "sorry" to you all, but deep in my heart I truly love being here, but needed a period of time to heal myself in every way (physical and spiritual), and now, pufff, my bloody laptop... Let�s hope it goes better after formatting the unit. ![]( Let your imagination fly once more, and make me laugh as you only know, love you guys! ;) Kisses and more kisses to my esl family! |
9 Jun 2020
So happy to see you again. Missed you ! |
9 Jun 2020
Good to have you with us again, Aisha. ![]( Now, if I remember correctly, this is all to do with the popular chocolate bar, Snickers, and is a corruption of "Snickersknee." If you eat too many of those nutty, chocolatey wonders, the unfortunate side effects are an enlargement and consequent weakening of the knees. ![]( My doctor had to treat me for this when I was in my early 20s just a couple of years ago. Luckily, I made a full recovery and the only side effect is a tendency to lie about my age. |
9 Jun 2020
Hi Aisha! Good luck with the new laptop. Just yell at it if it isn�t working properly. Machines need to know that you are the boss ![]( Good news, everyone. I�ve used the Internet and I know exactly what this word means now! Snick is an archaic word meaning to cut through and nee (or née, actually; it�s probably from the French) means a woman�s maiden family name. So when a woman gets married and thus usually loses her maiden name, this is known as snickersnee. |
9 Jun 2020
Spinney or is it SPINNEE is quicker than I am. So, I can only snick which is a sort of very sad crying full of frustration. And say NEE to Spinney which is obviously "nein" "non" "neen" "not" "snot" ......... |
9 Jun 2020
maryse pey�
Snif snif your computer really and surely need to be updated ! In other words SNICKERSNEE is the cry for help from Aisha�s old computer ![]( Grr ! Aisha take care ! The new one is going to bite you ! |
9 Jun 2020
Great to �see� you Aisha chick! A snickersee is a government policy. It is one that the government think will be unpopular, so they sneak it through while there is a big story in the news. It makes them laugh in a haughty, sneaky way (snigger) when they are successful and they say to their opponents with a snigger, We got that through, we can do what we like, see? and the political act is shortened to a snickersee.
9 Jun 2020
Lynne,hi Unbelievable! You got it. You must be speaking about the Brazilian government. |
10 Jun 2020
I was thinking of a conflomerate of some (well-chosen) ESL members having a drink together just in between the places they are actually living. Obviously see, or is it sea. Dun no. Al�seimer. |
10 Jun 2020
And BTW Silvia I thought Politics is prohibited, forbidden, banned, debarred, vetoed, proscribed,
ruled out, not allowed, disallowed, taboo, impermissible, not
acceptable, unauthorized, outlawed, illegal, illicit, illegitimate, criminal. It is snickers-nee ! BTW: Is talking about racism politics ? |
10 Jun 2020
verboten, haram, tapu, verboden,
10 Jun 2020
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