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Sending a Gift to Spain
Sending a Gift to Spain
Hi Friends, I have a friend who is teaching English and Chinese in Spain. Whenever I send her a gift from the US, the cost of shipping plus the duties exceed the value of the gift. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to avoid this? Do you think I could order from some Spanish website and have something sent to her that way? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks! kwsp
23 Mar 2021
Hi Kwsp! I surely don�t want to be nosy. But you should bear in mind that during your last government several deals and treats were disregarded and called off by your latest president. As a citizen of the E.U, after the treaty of Lisbon, Europe was able to made several transactions with other commercial institutions as we now have legal personality. With Brexit things are a bit difficult now as well. You see, dear colleague, our lives depend always on who is in charge: for better or worse! Ascincoquinas. |
23 Mar 2021
Hi Ascincoquinas, Thank you for your reply! My friend has been living in Spain for nearly ten years and we have been sending gifts to each other throughout that time. A couple of years ago my friend found a way to send me gifts by purchasing them from American businesses and having the items sent directly to me thereby avoiding the cost of International shipping. This is easy for her since she can understand English. My hope is to do something similar, but my Spanish is very, very limited. I am hoping someone can give me some good advice. I do apologize if anyone finds my post offensive. I am just trying to find a better way to keep connected with an old friend. kwsp
23 Mar 2021
Oh ! I�d love to Being able to help you but do not speak Spanish.
I regularly send flowers or others to my daughter who lives abroad. That is very easy. You need an adress, a phone, a Banks card (visa) and Being able to make yourself understand. English may be helpful. I feel sorry for you.
Btw. I have a brand new adult Taiwanese. She Speaks some English and I need to teach her French. Quite a challenge.
Wish you the best
24 Mar 2021
@ Ascincoquinas. hey Hon, I understand your frustration, but please keep politics off of the forum. I like our community here and would hate to see it get torn apart by politics. @Kwsp-- Good luck, I�ve been living in Europe for over 30 years (most my family is in the US) and still haven�t figured that one out, so we basically don�t send each other stuff very often. Cheers, Douglas |
24 Mar 2021
Well.... @Let�s see Douglas! First I am not frustrated by all means! Secondly, making a statement about decisions that interfere with our lives whether you like or not everything is politics. I will try to explain the meaning of the word POLITICs come from a greek word: Polis (city) politikos (all the citizens that live in a city and interact as human beings for the benefit of the group). Therefore whether an opinion as simple as it may be is an act of politic. Second, this is a forum, where people give opinions like did the ancient Roman city. ____________________________________________//_______________________________________________________ @ Kwsp: You were not offensive by all means. I was just trying to explain that due to certain political decisions commercial transactions became more difficult. If you send it by post - ship or plane - the cost is usually expensive. The only suggestion I can give you or may be is more a question (feel free not to answer) do you buy the gifts online or on local shops. Cause it makes a huge difference. Online sites tend to ship the items cheaper than local retail, for example amazon, ebay and so on. Since you live in America I am sure there are plenty of online sites both in English and Spanish. All you have to do is create a virtual credit card. Hope this helps in case you need any translation from spanish to Portuguese feel free to send me a PM. Spanish is pretty close (our neighbours) and l understand them. Regards from Portugal. Ascincoquinas. |
24 Mar 2021
I think the taxes depend on the item you send and it�s price . Books normally don�t pay. I once bought Propolis (bee�s stuff) wrongly from an Argentinian site (without knowing it wasn�t Brazilian because one only got to know it, once the item was payed). The tax was higher than the price, so I had to refuse it. It is not very far from Argentina to Brazil, so I don�t think the distance is the most important. I think the only possibility is to buy on a site from the country you want to send it to. Import is the problem. |
24 Mar 2021
OH OH ! I didn�t quite understand all of it. What I meant is that you can (what I do) thanks to all the tools we have now (internet, phone, etc.....) you can buy something in the country and have it sent or brought to the person. Then you don�t have to pay any taxes. Nothing. As for politics. My adult students are not stupid and or eager to discuss about all sorts of subjects. SORRY |
24 Mar 2021
Oh I wish I could help, because I really sympathise. Or I would love to say something slightly intelligent and controversial about politics and the forum because I just looooove a set-to, scrap, melee, tussle, altercation, wind-up, wrangle, tussle or impolite exchange and we haven�t had one for such a long time. We are all so very polite nowadays. |
24 Mar 2021
I have been doing some research and aask around. So please check your PM. Ascincoquinas |
24 Mar 2021
Thank you everyone for your input. I never thought about
flowers; I will have to check that out. I agree that I need to buy from a site
within Spain and am hoping someone can share some of those with me. When I ship
from the States my friend is the one who is stuck with the duty, not me. Once I
spent a total of $70 to buy and send a gift. It got stopped at customs in Spain
and was inspected so she was charged the duty plus an inspection fee totaling $75.
After that I switched to monetary gifts via Western Union and I told her to
pick out something she wanted, BUT this past fall for some unknown reason she
got banned from them! So now I am back to the drawing board. In the meantime,
she has sent me a Christmas gift and a birthday gift so I am beholden. Thank you again. I am sure the solution will come soon. @asincoquinas I checked out your pm. Thanks!
24 Mar 2021
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