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Concerning worksheets > Why did you remove my worksheet? It īs not stolen!!!!!
Why did you remove my worksheet? It īs not stolen!!!!!
If I may, I would suggest that if you wish to make a worksheet that is similar to someone else īs worksheet that you might just say that you were inspired by that person īs worksheet. This would probably eliminate any rude comments. I would also suggest like Harim, forgive and forget. |
3 May 2009
Excuse me. But your tone and words are a personal attack on people who contribute their time and energy to make this site a better place.
1) You really should apologise for being so offensive. 2) This worksheet was discussed yesterday - in length! See here for the very polite and intelligent comments made on both sides of the discussion .
3) You used another persons worksheet - went into it and changed some stuff. The worksheet still has the original author on the īproperties � tab. You never once credited the original author for their work. The least a person can do is acknowledge that someone else helped them by providing the template.
4) This is a professional site where peopel come to discuss and share ESL teaching. Most people on here are teachers and as such there is a certain level of professionalism expected. 5) Please think about the effect you will have on others before you post. There is never any need for insults or personal attacks.
6) Although there were disparate thoughts on this issue - one thing everyone agreed on was that - YOU SHOULD ALWAYS ACKNOWLEDGE YOUR SOURCES.
Welcome to this wonderful community - I hope you can calm down enough to appreciate it.
3 May 2009
harim thanx for your comment. However, I īve been trying hard to remove one of my posts but in vain because whenever I refresh any of the posts pages only the option "edit post" appears and no "remove post".
The "remove post" appears only on the small reply posts and it īs easy to remove any of them because the two options are always there, but the problem is with the main post. You can try yourself and see how it goes ... |
3 May 2009
Vickiii why you didn īt just inform me that I should acknowledge the source and that īs it? Why did you remove my worksheet while you could have mentioned that condition which I totally ignore because I īm new here .. Why did you and the other moderators choose to behave like Hitlers while there was a way out for this?????? why and why?
3 May 2009
Pinky Makus
Hi AbouSolaym
If people have replied to your post you can no longer "remove" it from the forum with a delete button. You can however delete what you wrote or write something else in its place. All the other replies to your post will remain unless those people decide to delete what they have written.
3 May 2009
I personally would like to welcome you to this site. I have, along with many others, have complained about the same issues also. There are some extremely rude people on this site, but as the few others have said- just ignore and those that download your worksheets appreciate your work, and those that want to dictate this site- they are starting to look very will soon find out who the little clique is, just ignore there ignorance, and even though they are moderators, always remember, "what goes around will come around..." |
3 May 2009
Thanx ESL for your nice comment!
The problem is that I lost more than 140 points after just about 10 hours of posting my ws here. So imagine!!!
Plus the biggest problem is that those silly moderators pr dictators have certainly abused the website īs rules since there is no rule to say you canīt use another memberīs item as a template.
Isn īt that stupid?
What should I do?
I know who voted for the removal of my worksheet but I don īt know who did it exactly.
My question is: Is there any chance for me that I get back my lost points and removed ws? |
3 May 2009
liesl m
I have just registered with this site and I find this conversation fascinating. AbouSolaym, Let me get this straight. You copy another memberīs worksheet without asking permission, you call the moderators "Hitlers", retarded, smelly, silly and stupid, but somehow everyone else is wrong and you , of course, are right�.er�.I don㦙 get it.
3 May 2009
liesl m why did you choose to post a comment on something that you have no idea about?
You see how wrong can we be if we give our point of view regarding something that we ignore. All what attracted your attention is the Hitlers and retarded. And who told you that I copied anyone īs work?
Hey, you are new here maybe newer than I am, then wait until you are no longer new and then you īll know!
P.S. Take your time before judging the others, otherwise you īll be an imitation of the stupid moderators in here. |
3 May 2009
liesl m
I may be new, but I īm neither blind nor stupid. I īve watched you ranting and raving on the forum all night and I think you have revealed your character quite well. Furthermore, everyone else has been tolerant and polite. I just dont recognize the terrible people that you have been describing so vividly. |
3 May 2009
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