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Concerning worksheets > Why did you remove my worksheet? It īs not stolen!!!!!
Why did you remove my worksheet? It īs not stolen!!!!!
LOL! You are certainly a special case today!
But the terrible people are away under their blankets now. I said you īll know their reality by time. Maybe one day you īll experience the same thing. If I were you, I would close my mouth until I learn how things really go in here. Well, you didn īt lose 140 points and I don īt know if you can get them here. I īm leaving you all the kindness and nicety. Take them and show me what can you do... |
3 May 2009
Oh! I īm sorry to waste my time talking to a puppy. I thought I was speaking to a human being. If you have any brain, I told you at the beginning that I didn īt copy anyone īs work and that īs it. You should have looked at the two works to judge and not to judge from someone else īs comments. That īs undesirable!
Anyway, I don īt care about your comments since you have nothing to do for me. At least, if you can īt help then help me with being quite and silent .. listen to your bones .. they are maybe cracking now
Now have a good night! |
3 May 2009
liesl m
Abousolaym, I know that you īre angry about losing points, but you wouldn īt hurt a puppy, would you? ....and such a cute and clever puppy too, even if I do say so myself. |
3 May 2009
words fail me..... they really do.....
What you fail to recognise is that there could have been hundreds of people who voted on your worksheet. I didn īt as I didn īt have time yesterday to look through everything, the sun was shining here so for once I was tempted away from my computer.
The people who leave comments are but a tiny percentage of those who vote. Abut is a popular and well known member here. If i saw a worksheet that looked like his I would download it without a second thought THINKING it was his... I would be upset to find that it was someone else who had copied his layout to make it look the same.
There are long term members here who have a very distinct style... it didnt happen overnight they all found their personal style over time (if you look back at their earlier worksheets). Everyone eventually finds their "personal style" and therefore if you are "inspired" by a certain style or layout it would be only polite and courteous to ask if it ok to use the template.
Think of it like this... you and your best friend have the same dress and you are going to the same party.... who gets to wear the dress? surely the friend who bought it first? Or you check with your friend to see if it ok that you can wear it to the same place...
If you turn up wearing the same dress that you know your friend is going to wear it is only going to cause problems no?
Welcome to the site, Good luck with your future worksheets. Please remember that hurling insults and abuse will get you nowhere.
3 May 2009
Well... good morning.. (in Argentina it is midday now...)
I wasn īt connected to the internet during the night... and I thought that I would find something different today here... but no...
I think things are pretty clear now.... the only problem for you here is that you lost your 140 points... and you blame the near 650 moderators who reported your worksheet to be removed... ( I am not saying that the 650 did vote for that... I believe that only a small percentage of them are reporting worksheets..., me included... though I hardly ever do it, because I am always short of time...) but you kept complainig and whining over the same issue...
I already suggested this in a previous post: Why don īt you change the layout of your worksheet, the colours , the font, some pictures and upload it here again???!!!!! Many people will download it and you will get all those points you are saying you unfairly lost.
Come on, give us a break!
This is my last post on this issue.
M. Eugenia
PS The dress example is very clear... Thank you cheezels
3 May 2009
meuge I think you still haven īt realised the real reason behind all this ... believe me it isn īt losing the 140 points which drove mad ... I have plenty of other worksheets that I īve been using in class so far and that I can upload and they can help me gain a good number of points ... Yes losing 140 points is not something easy but that īs not the primary reason I mean..
What drove me mad is the insults that I received from some STUPID HITLERS who call themselves moderators while they are a bunch of dictators ... And that īs why I īve been insulting them using offensive words and I won īt stop that because they deserve more ... They deserve to go back to school as students and learn good manners and how to treat the others well so as to receive the same treatment .. They are very lucky because they are hiding behind the screen ...
Some members suggested that I may contact Victor the owner of the website and the one who may help me over this issue. Unfortunately, I didn īt take the advice of one of the members who told me that there is no need for me to contact him as he is the head of the Hitlers. I thought that the member is just exaggerating and decided to contact him. I did finally stating all the problem to him. And to my surprise, he turned to be a real STUPID HITLER. His response was free from any sound judgement. Besides, he accused me of many stupid things and without taking any attempt to investigate the matter in order to reach the truth, he just said that he trusts the moderators and opted for cancelling my membership.
Well, I īm not sad at all now that i īm no longer a member here. I īm in fact sad because I signed up to this website which I thought to be useful. But this is a lesson for me to keep far from the Hitlers and Francos wherever they are and to kick their buts whenever I can ...
Have a good day meuge
Hope you hell on earth Hitlers |
3 May 2009
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