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Grammar question
Grammar question
Hi guys!
I have used a unit of English Grammar In Use in one of my groups.
It was about the use of there and it as subject.
At the explanation part of the unit, there was a sentence:
"It �s a long time since I last saw you."
And at the exercises part, there was another one:
"It �s three years since I last went to the theatre "
At the school I work at, we were all wondering what kind of structure that would be as it does not seem to be the use of it is for weather, time, and distance. (or is it???)
Where can I find the explanation for this (specially because of the use of SINCE in the sentences???
Julia |
2 Jun 2009
alien boy
It �s good to see that someone is posting a teaching related question at last, rather than bleating!
Well, it is the same structure. The sentences you �ve noted are related to time. �Since � is a time relative word. It indicates that some time has passed between the last occurrence of an event and the present time.
Hope that helps a little. I �m sure some of our illustrious members can be a little more specific.
I �m off to bed. Cya!
2 Jun 2009
But still, wouldn�t since in this case force the use of the present perfect?
2 Jun 2009
In my humble opinion "It�s" here is "It has" and the "been" has been omitted because it is "understood" in the structure... I might be wrong but I think that is what has happened in these sentences.
2 Jun 2009
alien boy
�forcing � the present perfect... hmmm... sounds like you �re a little confused. Are the sentences reported speech or meant to be Standard English?
You can use the present perfect with since, but the structure of the sentence will change a little...
have plus past participle is going to be needed, so the sentences would be something like...
It has been a long time since I last saw you.
It has been three years since I last went to the theatre.
Now, spoken English & written English tend to be a little different, not to mention the differences in dialect that also exist...
"It �s a long time since I last saw you." sounds very much the way in which many Irish friends would say "It has (It �s) been a long time since I last saw you." "It �s three years since I last went to the theatre " is the same situation... it reads more like some of the dialects sound
Where were the books published & what nationality are the authors? This may provide some linguistic clues as to why they�ve given the answers they have!
Zora - you�ve hit the nail on the head! It�s not �Standard� (prescriptive grammar) to leave them out, but it certainly fits with a descriptive grammatical approach.
2 Jun 2009
I have always studied this use of "it" and cataphoric reference (although very losely speaking I would say), as it happens in cleft or pseudo-cleft constructions. |
2 Jun 2009
Well, English Grammar In Use is a Camdbrige University Press... |
2 Jun 2009
alien boy
Wish i had the complete exercises available to view, then I could give you a more reasonable & contextual response.
Sorry about that.
I �m definitely off to sleep this time!
2 Jun 2009
Yeah, go ahead, but whenever you have a chance, take a look at
This is the link for the grammar in pdf, but I have the original book and it is the same thing printed.... same example... same exercise... |
2 Jun 2009
alien boy
Thanks Julia, I will & I �ll PM you tomorrow or early the following day with my thoughts.
CHeers, AB
2 Jun 2009
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