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I do really understand how bad it feels being kind of a prisoner at home and afraid of being infected , especially when you have babies . However, you can avoid the chance of being infected by the flu by followin certain precautions.
Step 1
Always cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing; ideally use something disposable like a tissue. Avoid touching your face, nose or mouth too frequently with your hands since swine flu appears to be transmitted through respiratory droplets in the same fashion as the common cold.
Step 2
Wash your hands frequently with soap and water since swine flu like other viruses can be contracted by touching objects contaminated by the virus. It �s unsure how long the swine flu virus can survive on surrounding surfaces.
Step 3
Though alcohol based hand sanitizers don �t routinely kill viruses they probably do offer some limited protection in preventing swine flu infections.
Step 4
If swine flu infections have been medically confirmed in your area consider avoiding large public gatherings. Individuals can be contagious with the swine flu virus for several day before demonstrating any signs or symptoms of infection. Be particularly careful about indoor gatherings where air circulates poorly.
Step 5
If you �re really paranoid and don �t mind looking odd then consider wearing a respiratory mask. This barrier method does offer some basic protection against infection though not all masks are created equally. Higher quality masks capable of filtering out some respiratory infections are more expensive.
Step 6
If you start feeling ill with cold or flu-like symptoms do not go to work. Stay home and begin the usual home remedies for colds and flu. Contact your health care provider, local health department or hospital emergency room if your symptoms worsen or fail to improve for information about where to go to be screened for possible swine flu infection.
I know that I can´t help you, but my prayers and support will, if God wills.
I �m in Cordoba city, girls, and the measures are quite mild. There are classes in most schools until tomorrow. The huge independence celebrations are going to be held in spite of the warmings to avoid crows. In my school there were classes until 12:00 intead of 13:05 or 13:45 to avoid the spread of the virus . Do you know that in my city the virus acts differently and it �s not spread until midday!!!!! . Once in my life I would like to hear coherent measures in my country!!!!
You know that I �m usually very optimistic but also realistic. I hope tthese measures are not taken very late because, as my sisters have said, everything was delayed because of the elections. The prognosis given by authorities yesterday is very serious and I �m afraid that they have been hiding the true statistics in order to win the elections. Now, evrything is on "the surface"
In Morocco, this is the time when Moroccans residents abroad come back to Morocco to spend their holidays and visit their family,so there are some cases of influenza that are discovered here,they have been hospitalized until recovery, otherwise there is no much worry.the airport of casablanca is provided with a check up machine that detects people suffering from the influenza.
Here in Brazil there are 680 people infected ... 308 only in Sao Paulo, where I live. I �ve heard some schools have interrupted classes before it was due, to avoid the contamination, but most places are opened. I �ll work until July 18th and I �m really afraid because I work with people that travel abroad frequently. I hope everything ends soon.
Hello! Here in Portugal we have 23 people infected, all of them have arrived recently from foreign countries. Anyway, the health department has said that the critic period will be in Autumn, October and November... As teachers, we are in a risky position, so follow all the tips and we �ll managed to "survive", as always!!!! Take care everyone, Carla
Have you realized that most of the teachers who answered this post are Argentinians?,( including myself!!!) I think we are living in a paranoic atmosphere right now, the media is bombing us with death countings and surveys, ill people countings ..etc.....what about in the other countries...sometimes I think that some polititians need this as a distraction for other "things"( Argentinian people know what I �m talking about). I don �t say that the influenza is not spreading, or regreating its consequences..but what calls my attention is that only shools should be closed.So, according to this reasoning, you can �t catch the flu in restaurants, shopping centres, cinemas, shops,..and a long list of places where money circulates....
I �just thinking ...mmmm...well....nooo it can be possible....
The country �s (and its citizens �) economic situation will also be affected by the flu. People who work in hotels, restaurants... may lose their jobs. It is really tragic and I hope that soon this situation will be over. I understand Paula �s implication that politicians may be using the flu to distract people �s attention from other matters. In Brazil we have our share of sly and deceitful politicians.
Here in Rio some schools are closing earlier but still there isn �t any bigger threat. The dengue flu that is always around seems to be worse. (Having caught dengue, I cannot imagine anything worse!)
But I have printed all the suggestions given above and will compile them to give to my students. They are really useful.
Influenza in �Russia (in my region: West Siberia) is not ordinary in summer. It happens in February or in March. This year we had to do our spring holidays longer because of influenze... And now we have the longest holidays : June, July, August.
getting flu and help stop the spread of the
How to
prevent it...
Cover your mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing,
using a tissue
Throw the tissue away quickly and carefully
Wash your hands regularly with soap and water
Aviod greeting people with a kiss
If you
have a seasonal flu...
Stay at home and rest
Avoid passing the flu on to other people
Call the doctor and don�t selfmedicate
plenty of fluids
and rememebr that information helps prevention
In my case, here in Tierra del Fuego, classes finish tomorrow... so thank God we have the englishexercises.org site to help our students keep in touch with English...