English worksheets > contributions by bmcq
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Barbara McQueen
3 decades of mentoring fellow teachers one-on-one, through in-services, as an ESL teacher trainer for Oxford Seminars, and as a conference presenter for TESOL, the VWBPE, SLanguages, and MachinEVO. Currently developing and delivering immersive online ESL courses in the virtual world known as Second Life that make use of situational role-playing, games, mysteries, machinima, and special events.
Points: 1035
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A, An, and The Lesson
A simple lesson that would appeal to many types of learners on how to use a/an/the correctly. Has components for the verbal linguistic learner, the logical mathematical learner, the visual spatial learner, the musical rhythmic learner, the bodily kinesthetic learner, the intrapersonal learner, and the interpersonal learner. If you added a little ...
Level: elementary
Age: 6-100
Type: lesson-plan
Downloads: 20
Adjectives for People
An extensive alphabetical list of positive adjectives for describing people. There are at least five adjectives for every letter of the alphabet, although the adjectives for the letter �x� all begin with �ex.�
I use this as a tool to help students with a getting-to-know-you exercise where they must think of an adjective that describes themse...
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-100
Type: activity-card
Downloads: 14
Affix Dominoes
Expanding students vocabulary is not simply a process of teaching them new words. You also need to teach word roots and affixes (both prefixes and suffixes.) Learning what affixes and roots mean and which affixes and roots can be joined enables students to understand words they never studied. My affix dominoes game will increase students familia...
Level: intermediate
Age: 10-100
Type: activity-card
Downloads: 11
Bare Minimum Business Lingo
Five categories of business terms that are a good starting point for determining what students already know and what they need to learn for doing international business. The five categories are Business Management, Accounting and Finance, Legal, Stock Markets, and Human Resources. This could be used with high intermediate or advanced ESL students.
Level: advanced
Age: 16-100
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 19
Blank Story Board with Lord of the Flies Example
To help students learn to pull the most important events out of story or prepare to write their own stories, story boards are quite useful. Here is a blank story board and a completed example for the book The Lord of the Flies. On the example, I limited my drawings to stick figures so the students see this is something they are capable of.
Level: elementary
Age: 5-100
Type: activity-card
Downloads: 81
Body Parts
Body parts labeling exercise using a formally dressed male that would be acceptable to people of all faiths. I have Muslim students who would be offended with a female or casually dressed male. This could also be used for describing male business attire.
Level: elementary
Age: 5-100
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 27
COIK Lesson
COIK stands for "Clear Only If Known" which is, unfortunately, how many of us feel when someone gives us poor directions and then says, "You can�t miss it." To improve my students� direction-giving abilities, I tell them they must defuse a bomb by phone. I put the students back-to-back, and the expert who is supposedly on the other side of the ci...
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-100
Type: lesson-plan
Downloads: 13
Common Note-Taking Shortcuts and Practice
Students need practice taking notes. Too often they try to write down every word, they don�t use enough abbreviations, and they don�t interact to what they�re hearing while they are listening. So here is a list of many note-taking shortcuts and an efficient notetaking form, plus my notes on a practice mini-lecture I give on the differences between...
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-100
Type: activity-card
Downloads: 12
Definition Chart Game
An important skill that ESL students need to acquire that is related to vocabulary is the ability to define words. In fact, they need to be much better at this than native speakers of a language since ESL students will more often find themselves in a situation where they don�t know a word they need to use. If your students can explain their probl...
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-100
Type: activity-card
Downloads: 8
Diagramming Practice with Lines
Decades ago we diagrammed sentences to help us understand their structure. Not all students like to do this, but mathematical-logical students love it (see Gardner�s 8 types of intelligence.) Diagramming is useful to show if we have complete or incomplete sentences, whether a given word in a sentence should be an adverb or an adjective, how prepo...
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-100
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 6
Field Trip Proposal�Project Example
Students love taking field trips, but the time and paperwork required can deter many teachers from taking their students on these trips. To allow the students to understand the many factors that must be considered and to have a say in the process, I created a field trip proposal project. The stude...
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-100
Downloads: 8
Horse Idioms
English language learners of all levels love to learn idioms. This horse idioms collection has two slides for each idiom. The first slide contains a picture based on a literal interpretation of the idiom. Elicit suggestions from the students as to what the idiom may mean. Then show the next slide ...
Level: intermediate
Age: 6-17
Downloads: 17
PowerPoint Basics
This is a powerpoint on making powerpoints. Although most students today know how to make a powerpoint, some don�t or some need a refresher on the options they can choose for their creations. If it seems that many of your students need help, you might go through the powerpoint with them, perhaps a...
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-100
Downloads: 32
Survival Game�Part 1
A fun way for students to learn important emergency survival facts and to get students talking. Students can play as individuals or as teams that must come to a consensus on what they think the correct answer is. I like to have students or team representatives move to different parts of the room d...
Level: intermediate
Age: 10-100
Downloads: 68
Survival Game�Part 2
A fun way for students to learn important emergency survival facts and to get students talking. Students can play as individuals or as teams that must come to a consensus on what they think the correct answer is. I like to have students or team representatives move to different parts of the room d...
Level: intermediate
Age: 10-100
Downloads: 59
Survival Game�Part 3
A fun way for students to learn important emergency survival facts and to get students talking. Students can play as individuals or as teams that must come to a consensus on what they think the correct answer is. I like to have students or team representatives move to different parts of the room d...
Level: intermediate
Age: 10-100
Downloads: 57
The Untimely Death of Peter Profit
This is a graphic novel of a mystery I set up for my students in the virtual world known as Second Life. The students worked in teams to solve the mystery, and I took photographs of them as they worked. Then the students used my pictures to make this graphic novel with Comic Life software. Later a...
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-100
Downloads: 15
Trial Facts for the Killing of Mr. Griffin
A murder is described and other information about trials is given to enable your students to act as the witnesses, criminals, lawyers, and judge. Intermediate students will need a lot of help preparing trial questions, and the teacher will most likely need to be the judge, but advanced students can ...
Level: intermediate
Age: 13-100
Downloads: 25
Vocabulary Assessment
If you are uncertain of the real level of your students, you may wish to use this PowerPoint to quickly check how much they know in several basic categories. The slides are arranged from the most basic elements to more complex ideas. You may randomly point to different items on each slide while ca...
Level: elementary
Age: 5-100
Downloads: 22