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Teaching material > Time to say goodbye.
Time to say goodbye.

Time to say goodbye.
I recently posted my final and last contribution to this site:
I made myself this game, and add the American Pronunciation for each letter, download the file and follow the instructions inside the document.
I really hope you like my work, because I made it with the same passion and heart which I teach.
Good Bye for a long while ESL Printables.

12 Apr 2010

Why did you say goodbye for this site? |
12 Apr 2010

I �m sad about some things in this site.
12 Apr 2010

Good things outweigh bad ones here ... by far ! |
12 Apr 2010

Chris don �t leave us please!! I �m new here and I like your contributions! I suppose all of us appreciate your job. I can see here a lot of companionship and politeness.Good luck! |
12 Apr 2010

See well. I live in a little, little of the interior of Minas Gerais, well in the heart of Brazil. I work in a periphery school where the resources are quite scarce. This site, for us, in my school was a great discovery. I am sure that its work already benefitted many colleagues. Don �t make that. Continue helping us with its collaborations. You are very important for everybody.
12 Apr 2010

See well. I live in a little, little town of the interior of Minas Gerais, well in the heart of Brazil. I work in a periphery school where the resources are quite scarce. This site, for us, in my school was a great discovery. I am sure that its work already benefitted many colleagues. Don �t make that. Continue helping us with its collaborations. You are very important for everybody.
12 Apr 2010

Why? Well, because I think my work is despised.
320 persons prefer a worksheet with a funny image and 2 or 3 exercises instead of a good structured ws.
I did my ws with some elemets to develop the comprehension of the English and after saw that facts I think I �m wasting my time here.
I �m so sad about this.
12 Apr 2010

You are not wasting your time, because I am sure you are probably creating your worksheets for your students, and not only for this site. Did they learn from your work? If so, you are not wasting your time, but providing useful material from which your students will learn. I know how you feel, but think of the positive aspect, think of your students. It can be discouraging when your worksheet is not downloaded, but why stop sharing what you have a passion for. Even if one person downloads the worksheet, that person may have greatly benefited from your work. |
12 Apr 2010

Yeah, Maybe, it could be!!
12 Apr 2010
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