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Downloading Resources for Teaching purposes only???
I agree with you Olindalima when you say that things are neither black or white! But this is also (for me!) one of the reasons I don�t want to see my work elsewhere! Let me explain! As I wrote in a previous post, we all have our history.
I gave the explanation of my allegiance to King Victor just to �defuse� Vickiii�s post a little bit!! I knew that it would create a stir and I wanted to give a funny aspect to my point of view. But there are more personal and serious reasons why I don�t want to see my work on another site.
I�ve been teaching for 5 years (6 if I count my year as a trainee teacher). Each year, I had to teach in a different school. This year I am teaching in a school that specializes in the hotel and catering business (as many of you know by now!!), I don�t know where I�ll be teaching next year. I am TIRED of moving, I feel I am being �used� all the time, I feel like a mere pawn on a chessboard. I don�t want this same pattern to be repeated virtually. I need STABILITY. Eslprintables is a referring point for me.
But I repeat, no one ever contested the legitimacy of other ESL sites. Vickiii never said something like �You should close down your website immediately".
Goodnesses, I remember the member you are referring to. I think none of my printables was on her site (but I may have to check it again!) so that is why I did not say anything. But be sure that if I said NO to Bente, it will also be a NO for any other member who might want to use my work on their sites. I respect what they want to do (they want to help their colleagues and students, just as we do!), and in return, I would also appreciate if they could respect my decision.
Please, could other members give their point of view? We feel kind of lonely here! I think this is a very important post! I am glad Vickiii started it. Let�s see the motivations / reasons of each of us. |
22 Sep 2008
Hello everyone!! �I also thought it was a bit funny/strange to ask if it is okay to post worksheets made here on other websites. If the website owner is so excited about the worksheets, why not put a link to this website and explain the procedure? The webmaster of this site has worked long and hard to get it to where it is now, other people are trying to get the clicks for a lot less work. Not fair. �I appreciate the community spirit here, but I think worksheets posted here are for here. If the other website users were to contact individuals and ask them one by one, it would be a bit rude, but better than using the website forum (which is actually very rude). But I don�t think it will detract from the popularity of this website, why go to another website to get 5% of the variety you get here? �My opinion. |
22 Sep 2008
Another idea to discuss.
What if Bente puts a comment stating where the WS come from and how in an explicit and visually clear way and adding near each WS the logo of ESLprintables plus two links one to download the WS directly and one linking directly to the WS/designer�s page here in ESLprintables. Just like a window but istead of giving a view of the outside it will give view of the inside of the site.
I think it will be a positive point for ESLprintables since it can help getting more new members and so more new contributor with more new ideas and sharings like the one you are trying to help and whose WS are designed in a very interesting way.
Because in Bente�s Page (and not site) people cannot upload their work and if they want to do so why can�t we have this page as a means to direct them here.
She can add a mesage such as "If you have personal interesting WS and/or handouts and want to share them with teachers from all over the world just link and subscribe to the followng website --> ESLprintables.
I even believe that Victor can find it somehow interesting to work in a collaborative (hope it does have a pejrative meaning) with her.
Tiens ou es-qu-il est notre roi ? ? ? |
22 Sep 2008
I had an idea- �similar to goodnesses, if you have Adobe Acrobat Professional, you can make a pdf and lock it with a password so it can�t be changed. Why don�t people put the ESLPrintables logo, the author of the work, make it into a locked pdf file and then it�s free to travel the internet as a great advertisement for both author and ESLPrintables and help the website that are hosting it? |
22 Sep 2008
That�s another fantastic idea.
We can do exactly the same in Word docs (LOCK). I think.
From now on I will insert the ESLprintables logo in all my coming WS.
You know Dareka1! I have already done this in all my ONLINE exercises since quite long now. Just take any one and check I put it at the bottom of the page near the "OK" so that the user shen pressing this button to get rated will in noway miss the logo.
Because one day while preparing one of these exercises I had a thought "why don�t I insert the site�s logo in these exercises since they are going to be used by any one on the net without restrictions. Victor deserves at least this little act as a sign that we are ready to help him keep the site alive with all what we can (diffrence of countries oblige)".
Thanks Dareka1 for reminding me. |
22 Sep 2008
First of all, I want to say that in this website each user is the copyright owner of his/her own documents. They are free to publish them wherever they like.
If users decide to publish their worksheets in other websites I don�t mind at all, but please don�t use this forum to ask for them. |
22 Sep 2008
First, why all these posts to say the same thing; I really don�t understand. And please, Don�t tell us it is an accident. Then posting the same message several times does make it more convincing. We can do it with one word.
No, not only Victor has the right to create a website. Any one who can afford it can.
No, no one said that Bente is stealing.
No, we cannot download WS without permission unless we are going to use them in our class only. Any other use we should seek permission if not from the webmaster so at least from the WS designer. Thing that Bente did.
No, Bente is not a member just like me and you. She has a webpage that she want to develop. Since she is implicitly or explicitly seeking help and cooperation why not make it BI-directional. I help you, you help me. This is the least of fairness.
Yes, the least thing someone deserves is asking his/her permission before using his/her property. This is what shows that you aren�t following this topic from the beginning.
Yes, there is a sort of moral contract between us and Victor since we all have a sortof benifit from this site and moreover free of charge. The least he deserves is that we discuss such thing seriously and try to respect his position.
Finaly, with a lot of respect and regards, would you please having the kindness and amiability to make generous effort, without commanding you to "delete the extra post".
PS: the last sentence here above is now irrelevent since you anticipated it. The rest is still RELEVENT.
22 Sep 2008
That would be the most sensible answer then (Victor). Another thing, Victor, is there anyway to utilise the backlog of worksheets on the website more efficiently? It�s growing at an astounding rate everyday and yet it is such a vast amount, it�s near impossible to sift through it to look for stuff. If the worksheets were actual paper they would�ve been eaten by woodlice by now.. The problem will only get bigger. Just a thought, anyway. Shall I post a thread for ideas? |
22 Sep 2008
Well after reading such amount of comments and suggestions I reached a conclussion: I agree with Frenchfrog for some reasons and I would add other reasons:
First, I also need stability. When I found eslprintables I found the perfect site to find just what I needed. No more wandering about looking for worksheets, advise, suggestions,...
I don�t want my worksheets anywhere but here. I feel also a deep sense of loyalty to Victor and to the members of this site. Moreover, if anyone needs my worksheets they can write to me and I can send a copy. The place where I want my printables is called WWW.ESLPRINTABLES:COM. Why should theybe in a different website?, they have already a �home�. This website is very famous around the world and, as Frenchfrog says, getting 30 points is not a sacrifice, with three, even with just one worksheet you can get more than 30.
With this, I don�t want to judge, blame or make other members feel guilty for sharing worksheets somewhere�s their option. Sharing is the most honest and priceless value we can have as human beings and Victor has already said it: each user is the copyright owner of his/her own documents.
I could understand the decission of uploading the worksheets somewhere else if there were no possibility of getting them, if this site dind�t exist... However, we have it and it does exist...
22 Sep 2008
Thanks for your clarification Victor. As usual you are concise. Unlike me who seems to waffle a bit (thanks goodnesses for the reminder to be concise!)
I am glad you have found some cyberstability Marg and Frenchie! hehe - i like that term!
again - does anyone know - is bye spelt Ciao or Chow in Spanish?? It really is confusing for this poor english speaker! |
22 Sep 2008
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