Dear CS1980,
the Idea of a book has benn tossed around in the not too distant past.
One of the draw backs for a book is the nightmare it would be to bring to life; Who would put it together?
Who would finance it?
Who would profit from it?
How would the royalties be divided?
Who would hold copyright?
and those are just theoretical problems.
what about this
what worksheets would go into it?
who would select them? In you just posing the question you had 29 answers (i think some of them were answers). Can you imagine the hulabaloo if you posted something like this?
"Dear Members
we are assembling a book of worksheets, which ones should we put in?"
you would get this
I �m sure you get the picture.
Then there is the issue of aging...
Recent contributions September 2010 "Reading comprehension Lady Gaga Alejandro"
Book form October 2015 "WHO?"
I know it �s a silly example but the beauty of the digital worksheets is that they never age because they can be adapted, not so in print, sorry... and I love books believe me.
I hope this makes some sense to you...
But thanks for the suggestion and who knows, maybe one day books and internet can co-exist.