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I know everyone here has a busy life and also moderating worksheets to be removed is a time-consuming job, but I �d like to ask my dear colleagues to take a little more time to check links before voting. One of my worksheets was reported, voted and removed as a copy of a worksheet at eslcollective. As many members here I also publish some there, and if most moderatores have had taken some more time to check, they would have realized that the author at eslcollective is "zailda", so it would have been voted differently. I strongly suggest that everybody check carefully the link provided (also the author �s name) because it wasn �t the first time it happened, hope it �ll be the last. Have a nice day! Zailda Coirano
10 Dec 2014
You are not alone; A while ago, someone voted my WS to be removed and the "moderators" wholeheartedly gave their consent. The reason was that, allegedly, a part of my WS seemed to coincide with something online; for this reason, the whole worksheet was removed. All my work was gone :) That �s a shame, indeed. But I can assure you our moaning is like water off a duck �s back... I did moan but met with aggression and grudge, so I gave up ;)
10 Dec 2014
Another interesting detail is that, the "moderators" who seemed to respond, had not seen my ws that was removed but anyway started advising me to "behave" and moaning about the hard job of a moderator. I remember someone saying "hey, we have 40 worksheets to be moderated, so do not expect that someone will take your individual case close to heart." To be frank with you, my advice is - just live with this :)
10 Dec 2014
Oh dear! Please remember this is a free site and we should be grateful for the hard work of the moderators who work to keep the quality of the site high. Sure, sometimes they make mistakes, but hey, on the whole they do a good job and I for one think that it is a fabulous site. |
10 Dec 2014
Mariethe House
I quite like your lapsus linguae in the title of the post: MODERARATORS Maybe this is what we need: moderators rators ... ie some people who rate moderators! How about that? ;o)) |
10 Dec 2014
Dear Zalida,
I feel very Sorry for you. I remember your ws and your style and voted for it to stay. We have recently had a contributor that kept on reporting worksheets of famous and popular members who also have an account at ISL. I could only see positive reactions voting for to stay. What about the silent clickers or voters without leaving a comment ? This is and remains a fabulous site though. And what about the loads of people doing their shopping on the site, taking and never leaving a comment. Take care and thanks for your fabulous work. |
10 Dec 2014
@millimo, Indeed, this is a great site, otherwise we just would not care about the faults we see. |
10 Dec 2014
Zailda your work is wonderful. I agree people should check. Mariethe OMG, don �t say we �ve lost the foreign accent icons as well as the smiley faces and now on top of it all, everything has gone yellow!!! Is it me? Oh yes, Mariethe, what I was going to say is why don �t we have some moderaraptors and they come along and bite the heads off any moderators that get it wrong? Ha! that �ll fettle them!
10 Dec 2014
Dear Lady who commented about the title: It was a typo (getting used to a new laptop keyboard) and the conclusions you so quickly jump to are only on your mind, I haven �t even realized the mistake. To others: As a moderator myself I �m not judging anyone, but asking to be more careful when checking. |
10 Dec 2014
Hi Zailda, Mariethe has in the past been a fervent critic of over-zealous moderators, so I am sure her comment was light-hearted. Your request was very reasonable; sometimes moderators are too quick to remove contributions. |
10 Dec 2014
May I suggest something that might be helpful: If a WS is posted on different websites, a short reference in the description could avoid misunderstandings like the one Zailda is referring to. At this point I want to thank Zailda for her great, innumerable contributions that have saved a lot of teachers around the world tons of work. THANK YOU! I hope that your contributions will be "spared" from now on ;-) |
10 Dec 2014
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