To the Hitlers in this website!
I feel very upset now after you deleted my worksheet 𣫮EFLEXIVE PRONOUNS - FORM, USE AND PRACTICE� claiming that it𠏋 a stolen one. How come that you have such a big problem in judging people𠏋 worksheets?
I𠍿 not going to forgive those who addressed me as if I were a thief. I know myself better than the silly cops in this website and I𠍿 sure that I didn㦙 steal anybody𠏋 work and I𠑥l never do so, but what can I do if your judgment criteria is completely different. No sound judge would call my worksheet a stolen one. Taking an idea from someone then working on it until it becomes completely different and even better has never been considered illegal in any field of life, but what can we do when we are controlled by a bunch of stupid moderators who are driven by personal desires and whose way of thinking and judging is more or else that of Hitler.
I could go on writing like this forever, but I believe that posting some of the voters� logical comments would really explain what I said before and what I still want to say:
"mena" said : �I cannot vote for the removal of this worksheet, no matter how I abominate people who take advantage of other members work, as is the case, because this member used a different approach to present the rules, and created 12 different sentences (though we can see that some were "inspired" by abuts sentences) and used 12 different pictures (in 15), which means that he used 3 of abuts pictures and sentences. As Ive said before, if were going to set a precedent here by removing a worksheet because of the layout, the template or the use of some pictures, I really don㦙 know where this will lead us to. Besides, this is something we can discuss, but this is not a rule of the site so far, therefore we cannot vote for the removal of a worksheet on those grounds, independently of what our personal opinion is. �
"Life_Line" said : 𨧻 don㦙 think it should be removed. The user is pretty new here. He saw what layout is popular with the users and what kind of ws teachers are looking for. And he made a similar one to what he saw! Cmon you guys! LET HIM GROW! I𠍿 sure s/hell never do this borrowing again once s/he gets to know its forbidden. LET IT STAY!�
"Zora" said : 鐈ey... BE nice. Imitation is the highest form of flattery and NOT all of us are creative here. So like any template - a users format may be copied - as long as the CONTENT is DIFFERENT!! I think it should stay and as Life_line has said - we have to give room here for people to grow and develop their own style!!! �
So getting the idea from other people𠏋 work is not a rule of this site, plus I𠍿 new here and I still don㦙 know many about what we should/shouldn㦙 do; in addition to that, I𠐔e worked a lot on my worksheet until it becomes DIFFERENT and even BETTER than abu𠏋 worksheet, so what do you still want to deprive me of my worksheet and my points??
If you insist then please don㦙 hesitate to cancel my membership from this website because I don㦙 feel proud of being a member here now that I𠐔e discovered how many Hitlers are there on this site.