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Message board > Why did you remove my worksheet? It īs not stolen!!!!!
Why did you remove my worksheet? It īs not stolen!!!!!
Hey go play away. I don īt have time to spend it writing you. I told you I īm bad with the cops and here I mean the bad moderators and if you are one of them then you īll get what you deserve. I īve got enough of stupid people here. Some moderators are really nice while most of them are a pain in the a**
3 May 2009
AbouSolaym, unfortunately I hadn īt the chance to see the worksheet in question, so I can īt comment if it was right or not to see it removed from your account. I can understand your anger about this worksheet being removed but that DOES NOT justify your words towards the moderators of this site.
I said I can understand your anger because I was in a similar situations a few time ago, but, as I can see from the previous posts and the comments from the moderators you provided, my situation was even worse. Some moderators thought my worksheet was stolen from a blog... but, the thing is that that blog is MINE. I was REALLY ANGRY when I saw one of my MOST DOWNLOADED worksheets beeing removed so unfairly... and even wrote about it on the forum.
But I didn īt offend ANYONE on this site because of this. There īs no need... and that time, EVERYONE supported and understood me. Your approach was definitely not the best. You could have had much more support if you addressed the matter correctly.
And, please, don īt put everyone in the same bag. Hitler is an unfortunate example!
Best wishes,
Kita |
3 May 2009
Kita 19
I īve never put all the moderators in the same bag. I īve just explained that.
I read your complaint on the forum. I think it īs a week ago or so. So that proves that those are in charge of removing people īs ws are stupid. I īm sure they are. Why do you want me to stop insulting them? I won īt do since they were the first to insult me; besides, they are the ones who removed my ws, so they are responsible of that.
the problem is that they abused the rules of the site when removing my ws since there is no rule to say you canīt use another memberīs item as a template.
Aren īt they real STUPID people? |
3 May 2009
"you īll get what you deserve. I īve got enough of stupid people here" "...while most of them are a pain in the a** " Abousolaym īs words... isn īt he lovely?
Kita 19 is right, your approach should have been different. Offending is not the way...
Night everybody, bed time.
:=) |
3 May 2009
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